WAM Die Medienakademie Koestel & Co. KG
Eisenstraße 55
44145 Dortmund
Phone: +49 231 – 861 00 80
Fax: +49 231 – 861 00 818
e-mail: info(at)wam.de
Director and head of the academy:
Inez Koestel
Sales tax identification number:
Tax number: 317/5771/0589
HRA: 16805
WAM is a recognised training partner of the German Communication Association and a member of the BVDW (Bundes-Verband Digitale Wirtschaft) and the VDP (Verband Deutscher Privatschulen).
ViSdP: Inez Koestel
Text: Inez Koestel, Janine Krimmel
Photos: Siri Louis,
Press contact: Christiane Jasper